Saturday 28 January 2012

Turbo C v3.0

General Information
The Turbo C++ IDE (aka Turbo C++ 3.0) is a developer environment created by Borland Corp in 1992 to enable programmers to write C/C++ programs. Turbo C++ (version 3.0) first came as an MS-DOS compiler, supporting C++ templates, object oriented programming, generation of DOS & protected mode executables, as well as generation of code targeting specific legacy CPUs, such as Intel 80186.

- Just download and install if you face an error saying "The system is not suitable for running MS-DOS and Microsoft applications error."
then follow these steps to run the turbo c++.

Steps :
The below steps will restore the autoexec.nt, config.nt and files from the Windows XP CD. In order to do this you must have the Microsoft Windows XP CD. 
1- Insert the Microsoft Windows XP CD into the computer.
2- Click Start, Run, type cmd and press enter to open the MS-DOS window.
At the MS-DOS prompt, type the below lines. If completed successfully, you should see a message indicating the file was copied and not an error.

expand D:\i386\autoexec.nt_ c:\windows\system32\autoexec.nt
expand D:\i386\config.nt_ c:\windows\system32\config.nt
expand D:\i386\command.co_ c:\windows\system32\

Note: In the above examples we are pointing to the "D:" drive for the CD-ROM, some computers with other drive letters may have the CD-ROM drive as a different letter. If this is the case, substitute "D:" with the letter of your CD drive.
Once the above files have been successfully copied, type "exit" to close the MS-DOS window.



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